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Find the Facts

Our online information environment is polluted with false and misleading information. With a few simple skills we can find out what information to trust

Find the Facts
Find the Facts

Rely on the best available information

People increasingly get news through online platforms, but with so much information from so many places, it can be challenging to sort through. CTRL-F is a verification skills program designed to help you practice evaluating online information — whether you’re on YouTube, TikTok, a news media site, or somewhere else.

Meet Your Verification Guides

Jane Lytvynekno & Ken Boyd

Jane is an investigative journalist with experience investigating and debunking online hoaxes and false claims. Ken helps people learn the skills to figure out what is credible and trustworthy online.

The videos and activities ahead can help you
learn three fundamental skills

Investigate the Source Investigate the Source
Next Step
Check the Claim Check the Claim
Next Step
Trace the Information Trace the Information

First, we'll learn more about information pollution and what we can do about it